Abergele FixtureDiary - Manual / Resource - Page 39
The Secretary can by recommendation from another club or suitable reference, propose and
second a candidate to be a member of the club.
Any member wishing to resign his /her membership of the Club must give notice in writing of
their intention to do so, addressed to the Secretary, and deposited at the registered office of
the Club prior to the year end 31st March.
Entries into the competition can be made prior to the closing time and date for draws or on
the day for any non-draw competition. Once the draw has been made you are deemed to
have entered, and entry fees are owed. Entries in to drawn competitions will not be accepted
after the draw has been made.
Members who fail to turn up for a competition will have to send a letter of explanation to
the Match Secretary stating the reason for absence. The letter must be received within 3
days of the date of the competition, otherwise the member will be banned from the next two
competitions. A further absence in the same season will result in a further suspension from
four competitions.
Lateness on Tee: For competitions where starting times have been published by the
Committee, a competitor who is up to 5 minutes late will be penalised 2 shots. After 5
minutes he will be disqualified.
It is the players responsibility to check the gross scores entered and card is correctly signed
before it is posted in the competition box. All cards (including no returns) must be placed in
the Competition Box provided. Players not submitting their card will incur a 2-competition
Ties will be decided over the last 9, 6, 3, 1 hole/s, if still tied, the same would then apply to
the front 9 holes.
Competition prize winners are expected to attend the Captain’s Day, President’s Day &
Professional’s Day, and the end of season trophy presentation. Failure to attend without
suitable apology is a discourtesy to the club officials and prizes will be withheld, but not
trophies. The Committee will accept two written apologies for non-attendance but not on a
third occasion.